Installing Entangled

Install Entangled by running

pip install entangled_cli[rich]

This will install Entangled in your global user environment for Python (or base if you use Conda). Since Entangled is a tool which you might use in many projects that are not related to Python it can make less sense to install Entangled in a virtual environment. If you do use Python in more places, it might be advisable to use a virtual environment, or even better, use poetry.

# assuming you did run `poetry init`
poetry add --group=dev entangled_cli[rich]
poetry shell

Now that you have Entangled installed, you need to choose a document generator. Depending on your needs we advise either MkDocs or Pandoc. Nothing is stopping you from choosing another tool, as long as this tool supports the needed Markdown extensions.

Setting up a project

Using Cookiecutter

The Cookiecutter templates are being worked on at the moment. Please be patient.


There is a dedicated plugin for using Entangled with MkDocs called mkdocs-entangled-plugin. You can install it using

pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-entangled-plugin

(or poetry add --group=dev ... if you prefer).

The documentation, including setup instructions, for MkDocs with Entangled can be found at


Pandoc can be a bit harder to setup than MkDocs, but once you get the hang of it, Pandoc is much easier to extend.