Entangled is a command-line tool that is meant to be used from a shell like Bash. At some point I needed to test that the final executable is actually doing what it is supposed to do. This kind of testing is also known as integration testing. To do this testing I had several options:

Testing in Haskell is usually done using Hspec together with QuickCheck. Hspec manages the overall testing architechture, while QuickCheck lets you do property testing. This all works very well with functional code, but we’re in the realm of shell scripting here: setting up an environment, do mutations, check for sanity. Somehow the prospect of coding all this up in Haskell does not sound enticing.

Python would be a nice hybrid. It has unit-testing libraries available, and all the power of a generic language. In the end however, what I want to do is, have a markdown file, emulate it being written to using patch, check if entangled shows the correct behaviour. The tests should look like a user typing in commands, working in the editor. I ended up coding this in Bash; a decision I may come to regret, but until that time, here’s how it works.

The idea is to have a set of tests each in a Bash script with the .test extension.


assert-streq "running on Linux?" "$(uname -o)" "Linux"
assert-not-exists "hello.txt does not exist" hello.txt

cat > hello.txt <<EOF
Hello, World!

assert-exists "hello.txt is created" hello.txt
assert-streq "hello.txt content" "$(cat hello.txt)" "Hello, World!"

Running the script (here with || true to prevent Jupyter from balking):


bash test/run.sh || true
 ~~~ example ~~~
Setting up in /tmp/tmp.eB4F51sedF ...
  running on Linux?, assert-streq args:
    - "GNU/Linux"
    - "Linux"
  hello.txt does not exist
  hello.txt is created
  hello.txt content
Cleaning up ...

Command line interface in Bash

The main script has the following interface.


bash test/run.sh -h
usage: test/run.sh [args]

where [args] can be one of:
    -h           help: show this help
    -d           debug: run here instead of /tmp
    -x           break on first failure
    -u <unit>    only run unit
    -c           clean after local run (with -d)
    -v           verbose entangled

Available units:
    - example

Command line parsing in Bash is actually quite nice.


while getopts "hdxcvu:" arg
    case ${arg} in
    h)    show_help
          exit 0
    :)    echo "Invalid option: ${OPTARG} requires an argument"
          exit 2
    \?)   show_help
          exit 2

This loops over command line arguments and looks for any argument matching the "hdxcvu:" description, that is, all these arguments are flags, except for u which expects an extra parameter. The -h flag runs the show_help function and exits. If an option is not recognized, we show_help and exit with error code.

The -d flag runs unit tests in the current directory without first running setup.


d)    no_setup=1

The -x flag breaks off the script at the first test that fails.


x)    break_on_fail=1

The -u parameter singles out a test to run.


u)    test_only=$(basename ${OPTARG} .test)

The -v flag runs verbose.


v)    verbose=1

The -c flag cleans current directory (after tests have been run with -d), by running git checkout.


c)    rm -fv "${DIR}"/entangled.db
      rm -fv "${DIR}"/*.scm
      git checkout "${DIR}"/*.md
      exit 0

Help message


function show_help() {
    echo "usage: $0 [args]"
    echo "where [args] can be one of:"
    echo "    -h           help: show this help"
    echo "    -d           debug: run here instead of /tmp"
    echo "    -x           break on first failure"
    echo "    -u <unit>    only run unit"
    echo "    -c           clean after local run (with -d)"
    echo "    -v           verbose entangled"
    echo "Available units:"
    for t in ${DIR}/*.test; do
            echo "    - $(basename ${t} .test)"

Running tests

Each test is located in a file with the .test extension. These are Bash files, but since they do not function outside the context of this testing framework, I decided to give them a different extension. If you put # vim:ft=bash as the last line of the file, Vim will recognize it as a Bash script. The run-test() function takes as an argument either the name of the test or the corresponding filename with the .test extension. First setup() is called, then the test is sourced, after wich teardown() is called.


function run-test() {
     echo -e "\033[33m ~~~\033[m \033[1m$(basename $1 .test)\033[m \033[33m~~~\033[m"
     if [ -z ${no_setup} ]; then

     source "$(basename $1 .test).test"

     if [ -z ${no_setup} ]; then

Setup and Teardown

Each test is run in an isolated environment created in a temporary directory. We set this up using the setup() function.


function setup() {

To create a temporary directory, UNIX has the mktemp command. This command may differ slightly between Linux and Mac though, this hack solves that issue.


TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'entangled-test')

Then we populate the temporary directory with all the files needed to run the test. Here we just copy everything from the current directory.


echo "Setting up in ${TMPDIR} ..."
cp "${DIR}"/* "${TMPDIR}"

To enter the directory we use pushd.


pushd "${TMPDIR}" > /dev/null

This allows us to get back to current working directory by running popd. The teardown() function does exactly that, and removes the temporary directory.


function teardown() {
    echo "Cleaning up ..."
    popd > /dev/null
    rm -rf "${TMPDIR}"

The main script

The main script has to know where it is located. The following one-liner puts the name of the directory containing the script that is being run in ${DIR}. There are other ways, but this has the advantage of also working on MacOS.


DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"

We are running all test by default. If any test fails, EXIT_CODE has to be set to 1.




# taste environment

# function definitions

# main script

if [ -z ${test_only} ]; then
    for unit in "${DIR}"/*.test; do
        run-test "${unit}"
    if [ -f "${test_only}.test" ]; then
        run-test "${test_only}"
        echo "Could not find test: ${test_only}"

exit ${EXIT_CODE}


In the case of a test succeeding, print a message with a green . Argument $1 describes the test.


function report-success() {
    echo -e "\033[32m✓\033[m  $1"

If a test fails, we print a message explaining the failure with a red . Argument $1 is the name of the assertion, argument $2 the description of the test, the rest are arguments to the failed assertion.


function report-failure() {
    echo -e "\033[31m✗\033[m  $2, \033[1m$1\033[m args:"
    shift ; shift
    for var in "$@"; do
        echo "    - \"${var}\""

    if [ ! -z ${break_on_fail} ]; then
        exit ${EXIT_CODE}




The first argument of an assertion is always the human-readable description. The following assertions are defined.

String equality

Test if two strings are equal.


assert-streq "6 * 7 == 42" $(echo "6 * 7" | bc) "42"
  6 * 7 == 42


assert-streq "Time is an illusion" "Thursday" "Friday"
  Time is an illusion, assert-streq args:
    - "Thursday"
    - "Friday"



function assert-streq() {
    if [ "$2" = "$3" ]; then
        report-success "$1"
        report-failure assert-streq "$@"

Array equality

Tests wether the arrays in arguments $2 and $3 are equal by string comparison, for example when listing expected files. Do make sure to use sort.

assert-arrayeq "Source contains expected files" \
    "$(entangled list | sort)" "factorial.scm hello.scm"



function assert-arrayeq() {
    local a1=($2)
    local a2=($3)
    local n=${#a1[@]}
    for (( i=0; i<${n}; i++)); do
        if [ ! "${a1[$i]}" = "${a2[$i]}" ]; then
            report-failure assert-arrayeq "$@"
    report-success "$1"

File existence

Tests wether a given file exists.


assert-exists "hello.txt exists" hello.txt
touch hello.txt
assert-exists "hello.txt was created" hello.txt
rm hello.txt
assert-not-exists "hello.txt was destroyed" hello.txt
  hello.txt exists, assert-exists args:
    - "hello.txt"
  hello.txt was created
  hello.txt was destroyed



function assert-exists() {
    if [ -e "$2" ]; then
        report-success "$1"
        report-failure assert-exists "$@"

The following succeeds if the given filename does not exist.


function assert-not-exists() {
    if [ ! -e "$2" ]; then
        report-success "$1"
        report-failure assert-not-exists "$@"

Command success

To test wether the previous command returned success by calling these functions with $? argument.


which entangled
assert-return-success "Entangled executable found" $?
  Entangled executable found

The assert-return-fail function succeeds if the command failed (exit code other than 0).


function assert-return-fail() {
    if [ ! $2 -eq 0 ]; then
        report-success "$1"        
        report-failure "$@"

The assert-return-success function succeeds if the command return success (exit code 0).


function assert-return-success() {
    if [ $2 -eq 0 ]; then
        report-success "$1"        
        report-failure "$@"