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L-Systems in Python


  • 🐍 Learn about generators in Python: sure you've heard about yield, now yield from is guaranteed to 🤯 blow your mind!
  • 🪢 Learn how to generate tables and figures in Entangled: every output on this page is computed directly from the code you see.
  • 🧮 Learn how to generate fractal trees, they're pretty!

We'll program some L-systems, with the handicap that we're not allowed to buffer any points, only streams are alowed.

L-systems are fractals generated in a stringly fashion, by replacing elements of a string following a set of replacement rules. For instance, we can recreate the Sierspinsky triangle by starting with the string F-G-G-H, replacing F with F-G+F+G-F and G with GG.

sierspinsky = LSystem(
    axiom = "F-G-G",
    rules = {
        "F": "F-G+F+G-F",
        "G": "GG"

Running the first few iterations gives the following strings

generation string size
0 F-G-G 5
1 F-G+F+G-F-GG-GG 15
Table code
file: demo/
from .lsystem import sierspinsky

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("| generation | string | size |")
    print("| ---------- | ------ | ----:|")

    for i in range(7):
        gen = "".join(sierspinsky.expand(i))
        size = len(gen)
        gen_short = gen if size < 50 else gen[:24] + " ... " + gen[-24:]
        print(f"| {i} | `{gen_short}` | {size} |")
include/ demo/ demo/ demo/
> @mkdir -p $(@D)
> python -m demo.sierspinsky_table > $@

Now, each character in these strings are associated with a drawing command.

commands = {
    "F": walk(1),
    "G": walk(1),
    "+": turn(-120),
    "-": turn(120)

Now, we get to see actual renderings of Sierspinsky's triangle.

Plotting code
file: demo/
set border lc rgb 'white' lw 0.5
set style line 1 lc rgb 'dark-pink' lt 1
set size ratio -1
unset xtics; unset ytics
unset key
file: demo/
set term svg size 1000 580
load 'demo/'
set multiplot layout 2, 3
set xrange [-0.1:1.1]; set yrange [-0.1:0.95]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import sierspinsky; sierspinsky.to_gnuplot(0)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'gen 0' ls 1
set xrange [-0.2:2.2]; set yrange [-0.2:1.9]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import sierspinsky; sierspinsky.to_gnuplot(1)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'gen 1' ls 1
set xrange [-0.4:4.4]; set yrange [-0.4:3.8]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import sierspinsky; sierspinsky.to_gnuplot(2)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'gen 2' ls 1
set xrange [-0.8:8.8]; set yrange [-0.8:7.6]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import sierspinsky; sierspinsky.to_gnuplot(3)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'gen 3' ls 1
set xrange [-1.6:17.6]; set yrange [-1.6:15.2]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import sierspinsky; sierspinsky.to_gnuplot(4)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'gen 4' ls 1
set xrange [-3.2:35.2]; set yrange [-3.2:30.4]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import sierspinsky; sierspinsky.to_gnuplot(5)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'gen 5' ls 1
unset multiplot
docs/fig/sierspinsky.svg: demo/ demo/ demo/ demo/
> @mkdir -p $(@D)
> gnuplot $< > $@


L-systems are usually rendered using Turtle graphics. We have a little turtle (imagined or not) behind our screen. This turtle caries a pen, can walk around and understands some commands. To visualize the path of the turtle, we need to convert this stateful walk into absolute coordinates.

We may represent coordinates on the screen using the Point class.

class Point:
    x: float
    y: float

    def __add__(self, other: Point) -> Point:
        return Point(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[float]:
        return iter((self.x, self.y))

We will be streaming visited points to our plotting device. However, when the turtle lifts the pen up, it can move without drawing lines. In that case we can send and EndMarker to tell the plotter that the next point arriving starts a new path. Defining an empty class is a nifty way to define symbols in Python.

class EndMarker:

Now we can store the observable state of the turtle in TurtleState

class TurtleState:
    pos: Point = Point(0.0, 0.0)
    direction: Point = Point(1.0, 0.0)
    pen_down: bool = True

The turtle is quite smart; it understands save and restore commands, and keeps a stack to save its state for later use.

class Turtle:
    stack: list[TurtleState] = field(default_factory=lambda: [TurtleState()])

    def current(self):
        return self.stack[-1]

    def push(self):

    def pop(self):


River terrapin

To control our turtle, we want to give it commands like walk(0.8) or turn(-45), but we also want to make these commands composable, so that we may say walk(0.8) >> turn(-45). You may be familiar with idioms where these actions are implemented as methods on the Turtle class. If each action returns a reference to the modified turtle (i.e. these methods return self), you can chain commands like so:

t = Turtle()

This method of composition is nice as long as we cary around a reference to the turtle in question. But as you may have seen in (sierspinky.commands)[#sierspinsky-commands], we'd have to store composed functions as lambdas, saying: action = lambda t: t.walk(0.8).turn(-45). Now we composed a function, and it returns the new turtle state, but further composition would look like action(t).walk(0.2). Moreover, these lambdas don't compose in the same way that primitive commands do. Long story short, we'll have to define these methods as separate functions.

These functions need to manipulate the state of the turtle, and also emit points to the plotter and pass on the state to the next command. We can achieve this by making the commands be Callable[[Turtle], Generator[Output, None, Turtle]]. This means that we have a generator that takes a turtle as an argument, yields points and end-markers, and in the end returns a turtle.

T = TypeVar("T")
Output = Union[Point, Type[EndMarker]]
Command = Callable[[T], Generator[Output, None, T]]

We can make the Command type composable by wrapping it in a class.

class composable(Generic[T]):
    def __init__(self, f: Command[T]):
        self.f = f

    def __call__(self, obj: T) -> Generator[Output, None, T]:
        return (yield from self.f(obj))

    def __rshift__(self, other: composable[T]) -> composable[T]:
        def composed(obj: T) -> Generator[Output, None, T]:
            obj = yield from self.f(obj)
            obj = yield from other.f(obj)
            return obj

        return composable(composed)

def collect(t: Turtle, cmds: Iterable[Command]) -> Iterator[Output]:
    yield t.current.pos
    for c in cmds:
        t = yield from c(t)
    return t

Now we define commands for moving: turn, pen_down, pen_up, walk, save, restore, and the do-nothing identity. You may be asking: if we're modifying the turtle state anyway, why bother passing this state around? This functional style of programming is more robust. Each action could return a new Turtle object and the state can still be traced across the code. This style of coding, whether turtles are being mutated or not, is always safe, also in concurrent environments.

Turtle command implementations
from math import sin, cos, pi
from copy import copy
def turn(angle: float) -> composable:
    u = cos(angle * pi / 180.0)
    v = sin(angle * pi / 180.0)

    def _turn(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
        dx, dy = t.current.direction
        t.current.direction = Point(u * dx - v * dy, v * dx + u * dy)
        yield from ()
        return t

    return _turn

def pen_down(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
    t.current.pen_down = True
    yield t.current.pos
    return t

def pen_up(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
    t.current.pen_down = False
    yield EndMarker
    return t

def walk(dist: float) -> composable:
    def _walk(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
        x, y = t.current.pos
        dx, dy = t.current.direction
        t.current.pos = Point(x + dist * dx, y + dist * dy)
        if t.current.pen_down:
            yield t.current.pos
        return t

    return _walk

def save(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
    yield from ()
    return t

def restore(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
    yield from ()
    return t

def identity(t: Turtle) -> Generator[Output, None, Turtle]:
    yield from ()
    return t
Turtle module
file: demo/
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Iterable, Generator, Callable, TypeVar, Union, Iterator, Generic, Type




Now that we have Turtle graphics in place, we can start to define L-systems. These systems consist of a starting string and replacement rules. We may iterate for any number of steps, replacing characters in the string with larger strings.

The following defines LSystem from an axiom, i.e. the initial condition, a set of replacement rules, and a mapping from characters to turtle drawing commands.

file: demo/
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional, Iterable, Iterator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from .turtle import \
    Turtle, Point, EndMarker, Command, walk, turn, collect, \
    pen_down, pen_up, save, restore, identity

class LSystem:
    axiom: str
    rules: dict[str, str]
    commands: dict[str, Command[Turtle]]



The implementation of the expand method uses recursive yield from statements to expand strings. This way, the complete rendering of the L-system is never in memory: its generators, all the way down!

def expand(self, gen: int, inp: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterator[str]:
    inp = inp or self.axiom

    if gen == 0:
        yield from inp

    for c in inp:
        yield from self.expand(gen - 1, self.rules.get(c, c))

The run method, iterates over all turtle commands.

def run(self, gen: int) -> Iterable[Command[Turtle]]:
    return map(lambda x: self.commands.get(x, identity), self.expand(gen))

To actually visualize the result, we print the x, y, z values generated by the turtle, separated by newlines when the pen left the paper. This is an output format that Gnuplot understands.

def to_gnuplot(self, gen: int):
    for p in collect(Turtle(),
        match p:
            case Point(x, y):
                print(x, y)
            case EndMarker:


dragon = LSystem(
    {"F": "F+G", "G": "F-G"},
        "F": walk(0.7),
        "+": turn(45) >> walk(0.35) >> turn(45),
        "-": turn(-45) >> walk(0.35) >> turn(-45),
        "G": walk(0.7),

Plotting code
file: demo/
set term svg size 1000 820
load 'demo/'
set xrange [-53:28]
set yrange [-14:52]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import dragon; dragon.to_gnuplot(11)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'' ls 1
docs/fig/dragon.svg: demo/ demo/ demo/
> @mkdir -p $(@D)
> gnuplot $< > $@

Barnsley Fern

barnsley_fern = LSystem(
        "X": "F+[[X]-X]-F[-FX]+X",
        "F": "FF"
        "F": walk(1.0),
        "+": turn(25),
        "-": turn(-25),
        "[": save,
        "]": pen_up >> restore >> pen_down

Plotting code
file: demo/
set term svg size 820 1000
load 'demo/'
set xrange [-170:100]
set yrange [-10:340]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import barnsley_fern; barnsley_fern.to_gnuplot(7)"' \
     u 2:1 w l t'' ls 1
docs/fig/fern.svg: demo/ demo/ demo/
> @mkdir -p $(@D)
> gnuplot $< > $@

Koch curve

def koch(angle):
    return LSystem(
        axiom = "F",
        rules = {
            "F": "F+F--F+F"
        commands = {
            "F": walk(1),
            "+": turn(angle),
            "-": turn(-angle)

Plotting code
file: demo/
set term svg size 820 1000
load 'demo/'
set multiplot layout 4, 1
set xrange [-50:2250]
set yrange [-50:670]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import koch; koch(60).to_gnuplot(7)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'' ls 1
set xrange [-30:870]
set yrange [-30:330]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import koch; koch(72).to_gnuplot(7)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'' ls 1
set xrange [-10:400]
set yrange [-10:180]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import koch; koch(80).to_gnuplot(7)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'' ls 1
set xrange [-7:160]
set yrange [-7:80]
plot '< python -c "from demo.lsystem import koch; koch(88.5).to_gnuplot(7)"' \
     u 1:2 w l t'' ls 1
unset multiplot
docs/fig/koch.svg: demo/ demo/ demo/
> @mkdir -p $(@D)
> gnuplot $< > $@
Module code
file: demo/