
Entangled helps you write Literate Programs in Markdown. You put all your code inside Markdown code blocks. Entangled automatically extracts the code and writes it to more traditional source files. You can then edit these generated files, and the changes are being fed back to the Markdown.

entangled --version
Entangled 2.0.0b6

We refer to the Markdown files as ‘source’ and the traditional source code as ‘targets’. Just to keep thigs confusing ;).


The entangled command-line tool has several sub-commands.

entangled --help
usage: entangled [-h] [-d] [-v] {tangle,stitch,sync,watch,status} ...

positional arguments:
    tangle              Tangle codes from Markdown
    stitch              Stitch code changes back into the Markdown
    sync                Be smart wether to tangle or stich
    watch               Keep a loop running, watching for changes.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           enable debug messages
  -v, --version         show version number

The command you’ll be using most often is watch. To understand what the watch daemon does, it is instructive to first see what the other commands do.


The tangle command extracts code blocks from the markdown and writes them to their respective destination.

entangled tangle --help
usage: entangled tangle [-h] [-a {standard,naked,supplemented}] [--force] [-s]

Tangle codes from Markdown

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a {standard,naked,supplemented}, --annotate {standard,naked,supplemented}
                        annotation method (default: -)
  --force               force overwrite on conflict (default: False)
  -s, --show            only show, don't act (default: False)


The stitch command extracts from the contents of the database any of the input markdown files. If a target file was changed and inserted, the contents will be different from those on the file system. The result is written to standard output.

entangled stitch --help
usage: entangled stitch [-h] [--force] [-s]

Stitch code changes back into the Markdown

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --force     force overwrite on conflict (default: False)
  -s, --show  only show, don't act (default: False)


The Sync command inspects all relevant files and determines if either tangling or stitching needs to happen.

entangled sync --help
usage: entangled sync [-h]

Be smart wether to tangle or stich

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


This starts a loop waiting for events on your filesystem. If any of the involved files is written to, the daemon will run the equivalent of entangled sync.

entangled watch --help
usage: entangled watch [-h]

Keep a loop running, watching for changes.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Standard syntax

The standard syntax is aimed to work well together with Pandoc. Every code block is delimited with three back ticks. Added to the opening line is a sequence of space separated code properties. These properties align with the CSS attributes that would end up in the generated HTML. For those unfamiliar with CSS:

The complete syntax of a code block then looks like:

 ``` {[#<reference>|.<language>|<key>=<value>] ...}
 <code> ...

The first class in the code properties is always interpreted to give the programming language of the code block. In Entangled, any code block is one of the following:

Tangle rules

Entangled recognizes three parameters for every code block. Since version 1.2 the way these parameters are extracted from an opening line may be configured using regular expressions. Formally, every code block has three properties:

Entangled should tangle your code following these rules:

  1. If an identifier is repeated the contents of the code blocks is concatenated in the order that they appear in the Markdown. If an identifier appears in multiple files, the order is dependent on the order by which the files appear in the configuration, or if they result from a glob-pattern expansion, alphabetical order.

  2. Noweb references are expanded. A noweb reference in Entangled should occupy a single line of code by itself, and is enclosed with double angle brackets, and maybe indented with white space. Space at the end of the line is ignored.

    +--- indentation ---+--- reference  ---+--- possible space ---+

    The reference is expanded recursively, after which the indentation is prefixed to every line in the expanded reference content.

  3. Annotation; Expanded and concatenated code blocks are annotated using comment lines. These lines should not be touched when editing the generated files. The default method of annotation follows an opening comment with ~\~ begin <<filename#identifier>>[n], and a closing comment with ~\~ end. For example

    // ~\~ begin <<lit/|main>>[1]
    // ~\~ end